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How To Play Mobile Legends Magic Chess
2024-02-20 11:05

Go to U7Buy for top up ML and other attractive deals! Magic Chess is one of the available Mobile Legends modes. This is an eight-player scenario based on battle royale rules. The last combatant alive wins the game. The Magic Chessboard is where the battle unfolds. Throughout a game, players will upgrade their little commander and heroes. Let's see the breakdown of a match.

Mobile Legends Magic Chess Before the Battle

When a Mobile Legends Magic Chess battle begins, players will select from the available heroes to represent them. Each hero has a faction that dictates its attributes and abilities. When choosing your heroes, make sure to consider the synergies between them. You will also choose them based on your strategy and favorite way of playing.

The Magic Chessboard is a grid-based battleground. This is where you will deploy the heroes that you choose. At the beginning of the game, the board is empty. You have a number of spaces where you can put heroes. As you progress further into the game and level up, more slots will become available.

Mobile Legends Magic Chess Combat

Each Magic Chess round has two phases. We have the preparation phase followed by the combat phase. In the preparation phase, you buy and place heroes on the board. You also change your formation. Managing the economy is another aspect of this phase. When combat begins, the battles are fought automatically.

Magic Chess battles are passive with automated moves. Your heroes will attack with their abilities automatically. The game takes into consideration their stats and placement on the board. In each round, you will play against a random opponent. Your teams will battle until one is defeated. The odds that tip the scale in your favor are hero level, synergy bonuses, and board placement.

Mobile Legends Magic Chess Hero Upgrade

The economy system of the Magic Chess mode enables players to acquire XP and gold when they defeat enemy troops and win battles. You will spend the gold on new heroes. It is also used to upgrade current heroes and to shift the units' board placement. XP helps you level up. The higher in level you are, the more powerful heroes you will have and more slots to place them.

To upgrade your heroes, you will put several copies of the same hero together. An upgraded hero has better stats and abilities. Hero synergy gives bonuses to the entire team. How you build your team is one of the most important aspects of a Magic Chess game.

Mobile Legends Magic Chess Rewards

As players compete in Magic Chess matches, they earn rewards such as gold, experience points, and cosmetic items. Additionally, players can climb the ranks and earn better rewards if they win games in ranked play. This is how you get points and achieve higher ranks. Progression in Magic Chess is rewarded through a combination of skill, strategy, and perseverance. Are you an MLBB player in a pickle? Come to U7Buy and we will sort it out!

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