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Overwatch 2 To Introduce Controversial Change to DPS & Tank Healing
2024-01-23 11:40

Since its launch, Overwatch 2 has seen no shortage of controversy, with Steam players billing the game as the worst in history (it isn’t, trust us). However, Blizzard keeps pumping out fantastic updates for the player base, but their latest proposed change seems to a bit of a step too far for some – Overwatch 2 is giving DPS and tanks passive healing in season 9.

The Proposed Season 9 Change


If you spend your time playing a support character in Overwatch 2, then you’ll know that you have a passive healing ability.  You get 15 HP every second when you stop taking damage. This is important, because if support characters didn’t get passive healing, they’ll be dead before you know it.

Tanks & support characters will get a broadly similar perk. While details are scant on how much their HP will go up each tick, indications are that it will be a slightly weaker version of what support characters have. After all, nobody wants to do away with support characters completely.

As you can probably guess, this is something that’s quite controversial. Some people think that the new change will reduce the need for support players, or cause tank and damage players to be more solo warriors where they feel they can survive without their support in tow. Other people believe this is a good change for the game, providing more options for players to tackle their enemies.

It remains to be seen which way things will go, although we anticipate it will be a great change for the game. It is something different, and if you buy Overwatch account from us, you’ll get to experience these changes with an account ready to kick some serious butt, whether you’re a DPS, tank, or support.

How We Reckon the Change Will Impact the Meta


The team at Blizzard hope that the healing changes will take some of the pressure off the support.

As any support player will know, if you’re playing in the doldrums of the lower ranks, DPS and tanks are lone wolves. They think they can control the game by running off, away from their support. Hint: they can’t. This invariably leads to situations where if your team won’t stay close to their supports, you lose. Simple as that. Even the best support players can’t keep up with that. The changes to the meta should shake this up a little, we think. It should ease some pressure on support players, particularly the less-skilled players, which can make the game a bit more balanced.

In the higher competitive leagues, we can imagine that more DPS and tank players will go ‘lone wolf’. If they don’t spend too much time away from their supports, they can quickly pummel the enemy and run back. As a result, we expect teams in the higher ranks to be more ‘spread out’ leading to some interesting gameplay.

We expect support characters, such as Mercy, to be less useful in lower ranks (where the players are spread out), while supports that can do a bit of damage e.g. Lucio, can spend more time damaging players and less time making sure their healing buff is hitting everybody.

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